साँचा:Cite book
{{cite book |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= |others= |title= |origdate= |origyear= |origmonth= | url= |format= |accessday= |accessmonth= |accessyear= |edition= |date= |year= |month= |publisher= |location= | language= |id= |doi = |pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |quote =}}
{{cite book |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title= |year= |publisher= |location= |id= }}
{{cite book | last = प्रेमचंद | first = मुंशी | authorlink = | title = गोदान | publisher = राजपाल एंड सन्स | year = अगस्त 23, 2000 | doi = 123456 | id = ISBN 81-7028-347-7 }}
प्रेमचंद, मुंशी (अगस्त 23, 2000) गोदान। राजपाल एंड सन्स। DOI:123456। ISBN 81-7028-347-7।
{{cite book | last = | first = | title = | edition = | publisher = | location = | language = | pages = | chapter = | url = }}
चौबे, प्रियकुमार “खण्ड 10”, हिन्दी विश्वकोश, 1967 (हिन्दी), भारतडिस्कवरी पुस्तकालय: नागरी प्रचारिणी सभा वाराणसी, पृष्ठ सं 20।
{{cite book | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | editor = | others = | title = | origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = | url = | format = | accessdate = | accessyear = | accessmonth = | edition = | date = | year = | month = | publisher = | location = | language = | id = | doi = | pages = | chapter = | chapterurl = | quote = }}
- Just a title
* {{cite book | title=गोदान }}
- Year and title
* {{cite book | title=गोदान | year=1901 }}
(1901) गोदान।
- Basic usage
* {{cite book | first=मुंशी| last=प्रेमचंद | authorlink=XYZ | year=1974 | title=गोदान }}
प्रेमचंद, मुंशी (1974) गोदान।
- Basic usage with url
* {{cite book | last=प्रेमचंद | first=मुंशी | authorlink=XYZ | year=1974 | title=गोदान | edition=1st Edition | url=http://hi.bharatkosh.org/ | accessdate=2006-02-17 }}
प्रेमचंद, मुंशी (1974) गोदान, 1st Edition। 2006-02-17।
- Three authors, title with a piped wikilink, edition
* {{cite book | last=प्रेमचंद | first=मुंशी | authorlink=XYZ | coauthors=John Smith, Jim Smythe | title=[[गोदान|गोदान]] | edition=2nd Edition }}
प्रेमचंद, मुंशी; John Smith, Jim Smythe गोदान, 2nd Edition।
- Date without day, wikilinked title and publisher, id, pages, location
* {{cite book | last=प्रेमचंद | first=मुंशी | coauthors=Jeff Grubb, David Noonan | year=2001 | month=September | title=[[गोदान]] | publisher=राजपाल एंड सन्स | location=Timbuktu | id=ISBN 0-7869-1850-8 | pages=pp. 134-137 }}
प्रेमचंद, मुंशी.; Jeff Grubb, David Noonan (September 2001) गोदान। Timbuktu: राजपाल एंड सन्स, pp. 134-137। ISBN 0-7869-1850-8।
- Date of first edition, other language, illustrator
* {{cite book | last=प्रेमचंद | first=मुंशी | origyear=1463 | year=1974 | title=गोदान | edition=1st Edition | others=illustrated by Smith | language=हिन्दी | url=http://hi.bharatkosh.org/| accessdate=2006-02-17 }}
Bloggs, मुंशी [1463] (1974) c, illustrated by Smith, 1st Edition (हिन्दी)। 2006-02-17।
- Using a DOI
*{{cite book | last=प्रेमचंद | first=मुंशी | authorlink=प्रेमचंद | year=1999 | title=गोदान | edition=2nd ed. | publisher=राजपाल एंड सन्स | doi=10.1007/b62130 | id=ISBN 354063293X }}
प्रेमचंद, मुंशी (1999) गोदान, 2nd ed., राजपाल एंड सन्स। DOI:10.1007/b62130। ISBN 354063293X। Digital object identifier-DOI